FAVIS and its arguable activities – part one

In addition to create (inventing) an unfounded social alarm by spreading false statistics and anonymously filing complaints with police forces, they infiltrate into religious groups to bring damage to them and act covertly using false identities.

Maurizio AlessandriniFAVIS (Associazione Nazionale Familiari delle Vittime delle Sette or National Family Victims of Cults) is a an anti-cult group based in Rimini, Viale Mosca 66/A; it was born by the will of the retired accountant Maurizio Alessandrini, former employee of the Rimini County.

It is one of the two survivor Italian organizations federated with FECRIS (Fédération Européenne des Centres de Recherche et d’Information sur le Sectarisme), as covered in the earlier article FECRIS, a subversive group in the heart of Europe.

Until some time ago, there were two more Italian organizations that were headed by FECRIS: these were ARIS Veneto and ARIS Toscana. With FAVIS and CeSAP they formed the so-called “Anti-cults Forum”, but they were quite evanescent so they literally disappeared last year, deleted with no further explanation from the FECRIS Internet site as well as from the list of non-profit organizations who pleaded to obtain their own ‘5-per-thousand’ governmental grant.

FAVIS defines itself a “national organization” and holds they cooperate with the SAS or Anti-Cult Squad of the Ministry of Interiors. According to other sources, it is in fact a very much smaller, family-born initiative with no “national” reach and definitely not gathering “cult victim families”.

The son himself of Alessandrini, Fabio, stated so, as covered here e here. Fabio Alessandrini, who has a direct acquaintance with those facts, stated that FAVIS is actually composed of three persons, i.e. the ‘broadened’ Alessandrini family and some other “members” who are just a face line. Moreover, the organization has no scientific relevance and its members have no professional qualification or competence that can be considered relevant to the field it operates within.

Fabio Alessandrini’s thesis concerning the birth and nature of FAVIS is also well described by the blog Pensieri Banali as well as in our article “Anti-cult Squad, anti-cult groups and plagiarism”.

The representatives of FAVIS, first of all Maurizio Alessandrini, assert there is an “emergency cults” and a legislative vacuum that prevents the cordoning of such emergency. A vacuum left over, 35 years ago (!) due to the abolishment on the part of the Constitutional Court, of the fascist crime that punished mental manipulation, i.e., basically punished those who promoted different ideas without the regime’s endorsement.

Per affermare l’esistenza di questo presunto problema e l’urgenza di intervenire con leggi speciali e sistemi repressivi, diffondono statistiche catastrofiche non sostenute da dati verificabili. A tal proposito si veda l’articolo “Falsifying statistics to scaremonger”. The unfoundedness of such thesis is also well described by the blog Il Temperino di Occam gmanaged by Drs. Simonetta Po.

Patrizia FungiWith the founder of FAVIS Maurizio Alessandrini, Patrizia Fungi should be working. She is rarely seen publicly and never on the media, to a point that she seems to play just a “fill-in” role, that is to say inflating numbers, but without visibly contributing to the group’s actual life.

Fungi is the former wife of Alessandrini and the mother of their Fabio “kidnapped by a cult” who doesn’t deem himself such at all.

Sonia GhinelliAs publicly invisible as Fungi, the third element of the organization is Sonia Ghinelli, Patrizia’s current partner, too.

Ghinelli is the vice-president and much probably the real hidden orchestrator of FAVIS.

While Alessandrini is the PR man of the organization and Fungi a sort of figurehead, Ghinelli seems to be the in-charge for their “under cover” operations.

Often FAVIS members accuse this or that movement to infiltrate institutions. On the contrary, it comes up as evident that this is exactly an official business of FAVIS.

In fact, the FAVIS bylaws article 2 says, “… factual collaboration with  police forces to whom civil and criminal abuses are reported, committed by cultic organization destroying personalities; infiltration in cults any time possible …”

This is not a transcription mistake, FAVIS does officially declare they practice infiltration in those groups they consider “cults” and do so any time possible!

Considering the patent incompetence of these figures, it can be doubted that the groups they want to oppose are no “cults” at all. Consequently, these people commit themselves in infiltrating groups and religious communities, which are organizations who have their inalienable rights to gather freely and practice their rites without any invasion on the part of 007 rookies.

But their bylaws-declared infiltration is not the only doubted-legality business of FAVIS. Their espionage-type approach, gets unto an excess on the part of FAVIS representatives, to the point that they act under cover adopting fake identities to conduct their alarmist operations and campaigns.

This is the case of the FAVIS member who utilizes a false identity as Ethan Garbo S. Germain. Acting as an expert of cultic issues, he states himself a “volunteer collaborator” of FAVIS and supporter of another anti-cult group named CeSAP, the other confederate in FECRIS.

In fact here he mentions himself as a “FAVIS and/or FECRIS counsel”:

Ethan Garbo Facebook

While here he makes a thanking “on the part of all FAVIS volunteers”:

Ethan Garbo ringraziamenti

In this other one he writes he cooperates with “national and European networks as well as with the police forces”:

Ethan Garbo polizia

In the following post he confirms he is part of an organization which is a “FECRIS member”, also he interacts with Lorita Tinelli of CeSAP.

Ethan Garbo FECRIS

Since six years ago he found Facebook, “Ethan Garbo Saint Germain”, protected by anonymity, on a continuous basis keeps issuing articles and posts against all religions accusing them of any possible abuses. His favorite target seems to be the Jehovah’s Witnesses, but he willingly issues and relays any sort of bad news about Catholics, Protestants, Scientology, Buddhists, Children of God, Sai Baba, Yoga and just name one..

Here are a few recent posts along this line:

Ethan Garbo post anti-culti

Alessandrini enjoys this practice on the FAVIS official blog, too, but Ethan Garbo enriches his “news” with some spicy post more versed into an anti-Catholic current.

Such tactics has its own logic, because it is important to Alessandrini to maintain a good relationship with the Vatican.

Maurizio Alessandrini con Papa Wojityla

while Ethan Garbo pulls together with groups such as “Vatican Abuse” and “The Secrets of the Vatican Clique”, contemporarily issuing sarcastic pictures on Pope Bergoglio and not-so-sweet-talking critics on Pope Wojtyla and other catholic high priests.

Ethan Garbo sberleffi

Back again to the Ethan Garbo Saint Germain’s activities, they are so intense that one could wonder if his commitment in them, is a full-daily one. He posts and comments every single day, non-stop, at any time from the morning to the night, in working days or celebration days, as though he has nothing else to do. A dedication that could be deemed to be incompatible with any other occupation or profession.

Scrolling his Facebook page, another peculiarity comes up: in addition to the countless anti-cult posts, pro-animals posts often appear, mainly about dogs. In fact he seems to be an actual dog-enthusiast and to especially appreciate a specific dog breed, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Ethan Garbo profilo FacebookA cute little dog shows himself off even in the ‘Profile Picture’ of Ethan’s Facebook page.

Posts and comments on the C.K.C. Spaniels  are only second to the anti-cult posts and following the status update history of his Facebook page, another interesting fact has come up.

It could be said that a rascal would always leave traces of his own. In this case, Ethan Garbo Saint Germain’s passion for the C.K.C. Spaniels, his habit to bring them for a walk near home, take pictures of them and then publish their pictures on Facebook, have betrayed him. But let’s be orderly.

Some time ago, answering a Facebook friend about a photo of his Spaniels taken on the seaside, Ethan Garbo stated he lives “at just a walk from the sea”.

Ethan Garbo cane

Following this trail, it comes up that Ethan Garbo owns exactly four C.K.C. Spaniels and brings them out for a walk every day in an equipped park quite close to his home which, as seen above, is located “at just a walk from the sea”.

Looking up other posts, another clue has come up, too, as highlighted in the little circle in the top-left portion of the following picture:

Ethan Garbo cane e piattaforma

That’s a sort of “platform” that comes up from the sea, far from the shore. Here is the detail enlarged in more pictures:


Continuing the perusal of Ethan’s posts, many other details have come up about the environment surrounding the strolling area of Ethan Garbo and his Cavalier dogs: signage, recognizable backgrounds, equipment. Here some:

Ethan Garbo cane

Starting from these hints and knowing in which geographic area the FAVIS representatives work and live, it was quite easy to verify a hypothesis which then eventually resulted to be true: the seaside and the equipped park where Ethan Garbo goes with his dogs are located in Rimini, Miramare district, at a few steps from the seat of FAVIS in Viale Mosca 66. Here is a view from Google Maps:

Ethan mappa

Viale Mosca is located in the bottom left portion, while in the top right corner, highlighted with a red circle, stands the sea platform which is located a little offshore from the seaside so often photographed by Ethan Garbo.

Once identified the area, it was easy to find the places shown by Ethan Garbo in his dog-lover posts. In the following images, on the left some pictures posted by him on Facebook can be seen, while in the photos on the right, the same places identified during an inspection can be seen.

Ethan Garbo cane e piattaforma

The above are just a few examples of the validations that provided an absolute certainty that those places photographed by Ethan Garbo and published on Facebook are exactly the same surroundings of the FAVIS seat.

But a ultimate proof has come when Ethan Garbo himself appeared in the same park with his four C.K.C. Spaniels.

Ethan Garbo con cani

The same dogs with the same four (one black and three blue) leashes. The same Ethan Garbo photographed and posted on Facebook and that can be now seen in his hands.

Ethan Garbo con cani e guinzagli

After their daily walk, Ethan Garbo with his C.K.C. Spaniels go back home in Viale Mosca 66, the FAVIS seat.

Ethan Garbo rientra con i cani

Now only the identity of this Ethan Garbo Saint Germain remains to unravel, the “FAVIS and FECRIS counsel” who lives in Viale Mosca 66, Rimini.

In his posts, Ethan Garbo always writes as a male and in the rare photos “of his” he published, he always pretended to be a man.

Ethan Garbo false identita

However in fact, as it can be seen from the following photos,

Ethan Garbo alias Sonia Ghinelli

Sonia GhinelliEthan Garbo S. Germain is just Sonia Ghinelli, vice president of FAVIS and current partner of Patrizia Fungi, former wife of its president Maurizio Alessandrini.

Both women live in Miramare district, Rimini, Viale Mosca 66, same address of FAVIS.

By the way, operating under cover for Sonia Ghinelli seems to be a routine. In fact, in addition to the Facebook profile of Ethan Garbo Saint Germain she has used for years the fake name Mary Mignogna which she ingenuously manages through her e-mail address soniaghinelli@libero.it.

Mary Mignogna

This additional profile is used by Ghinelli to write to the media without disclosing her identity and her membership in FAVIS. For instance, the following article issued on Il Resto del Carlino in 2004 be considered.

Articolo su Il Resto del CarlinoIn that case, the intent was to support the re-introduction of the unconstitutional crime of mental manipulation, protesting at the same time against those who opposed the related law bill and thus promoting the activities of  FAVIS.

Least to be said, the closure of the pretty-emotional letter of Sonia Ghinelli/Mary Mignogna, is not so sincere, where the FAVIS representatives are defined “courageous citizens” who should be “not less than thanked”.

Evidently the recipients of the letter didn’t know that the actual author of the letter was just the vice president of FAVIS, neither as well the readers could suspect so.

Certainly, the FAVIS managers are lying on their identity and behaving in a very non-scientific and non-serious fashion. As a matter of fact, the materials we issued previously about them were never confuted for good, on the contrary Alessandrini confirmed them during a public convention of FECRIS associates, as covered in our article The Anti-cults Forum, “Libero Credo tells the truth”.

Needless to say, they cannot deny statements that are based on their own papers. Hence: they are really a group that operates on the edge of legality, often beyond such limit and should so be persecuted for their illegalities.

They could assert that the use of pseudonyms and the posting under a “nickname” is not illegal. It’s true, provided that one doesn’t commit reprehensible actions that only aim at harming other people’s rights.

In fact their guiltiness can be easily seen, for on one hand they claim they have rights to play 007, while on the other hand they whine when other people do the same. No just by mournful e-mails like the following:

blog anonimo

but also through verbose complaints only attempting to silence those who afford criticizing them; see the article “Stop those voices from talking”.

They would like to be allowed to claim unquestionable rights to spread alarming and misleading information, infiltrate in religious organizations that are perfectly legal to bring damage to them, operate under cover to swindle people and so deploy anonymous complaints to stir up travesty judicial proceedings at taxpayers’ expenses.

In the next part, we will see more specifics on the operation of such “cult victim” paladins.



30 march 2016