FAVIS and its arguable activities – part two
They are the instigators of reiterated persecutory actions, continuous vexations, threats and outrageous insults.
Grievances will come up for this article, too, it’s inevitable. Usually a wrongdoer doesn’t want to be unmasked.
They complained about the last of our articles (“FAVIS and its arguable activities – part one”) because we released that FAVIS performs intelligence activities: they infiltrate religious groups and their vice-president, Sonia Ghinelli, habitually operates in disguise. They couldn’t deny the actual contents of the article, so they protested that Ghinelli’s privacy was violated because photos were taken of her, while she was bringing her dogs around for a walk in a public park.
They also complained when we proved that the Anti-cults Forum and their friends, spread false tales to disseminate alarmism (“Falsifying statistics to scaremonger”), implemented and justified kidnapping (“Anti-cult Forum and kidnapping – Act 1”), spread false complaints (“Denunce anonime”), make plots to shut up counter voices (“Stop those voices from talking”), stir up unfounded judiciary proceedings (“MISA Yoga, Anti-cults Forum and SAS”) and work in general to harm constitutionally-granted rights (“Anti-Cult Squad, anti-cult groups and mental manipulation").
The FAVIS president, Maurizio Alessandrini, publicly protested during an anti-cult meeting in Marseilles on 5 October 2014, with the sole result of confirming the statements on our site, as also shown in the article The Anti-Cult Forum- “Libero Credo tells the truth”.
As a matter of fact, the evidence and exposés in our site – be they appreciated or not – were never denied, but on the contrary, were confirmed. By the way, those of the Anti-cults Forum couldn’t ever deny facts they themselves did, stated and wrote.
The same is for the story we are going to tell you now, that is FAVIS’s practice to send their executors to persecute those they consider members of a “cult”, with a tight series of bothers, vexations, annoying actions and outrageous insults.
Fabio Alessandrini told his story about five years ago during a TV interview published here and here, but we deem it opportune to reiterate a couple of specifics.
Maurizio Alessandrini and Patrizia Fungi, who later became founders of FAVIS, divorced when their son Fabio was 6 years old. The mother Patrizia Fungi accepted in her home as their cohabitant, Sonia Ghinelli, current vice-president of FAVIS; this happened when Fabio was 15/16 years old and the father had been missing from his life for years. Once Fabio was 24, so definitely adult, now sick with a familial menage he considered intolerable, he decided to leave that home and go away from Rimini.
Fabio’s going away was the casus belli that triggered the sleazy war on the part of his parents, at that time divorced for almost twenty years. After several failed attempts to get him back on his steps, they decided with Sonia Ghinelli to found FAVIS.
According to Fabio’s statements, their motive would have been to bring the son back under their control to prevent him from exposing their dirty laundry. Which, by the way, Fabio didn’t do for many years in spite of the countless wrongs undergone.
Fabio went away from Rimini over fifteen years ago moving to the Treviso province, hosted by some Patrizia Valmaggi who had previously accepted persons escaping from uncomfortable familial situations. Today, he is a middle-aged man, has his own job, practices sports, is independent and lives his own life in serenity and convinced of never having been part of an “esoteric sect”.
Fabio’s arrival was the beginning of an ordeal for the family who hosted him: because the self-proclaimed FAVIS’s “experts of cults” started a no-holds-barred war: alarmist statements to newspapers and TVs, complaints, instigation of politicians and public agencies against the “cult that kidnapped their boy”. But they also adopted the “tactics of siege and war of attrition” to weaken and defeat the “hated manipulators of conscience”.
In the times of the facts we are going to describe, i.e. 2005 to 2008, the campaign of FAVIS against the family who hosted Fabio Alessandrini was in its acme.
Fabio had already lived for some years in the Treviso home, when a woman by the name of Daniela Pasian popped up and commenced an outright annoying siege, studded with intimidating acts, insults, nasty talks and threats.
As we will see below, Pasian, who intervened to implement the “anti-cult tactics”, is the representative of FAVIS for the Veneto region.
Since the beginning of March 2005, almost every single day, Pasian beleaguered the house in which Fabio Alessandrini lived, implementing a persecutory method agreed on, with the FAVIS heads, who of course didn’t show themselves in person.
Some examples follow, of the Pasian/FAVIS’s modus operandi. We want to specify that we deliberately omitted to censor the nasty and extremely impolite expressions of the FAVIS spokesperson, so that the readers can understand on their own the so-mean level these figures reached.
In qthis first video clip, Daniela Pasian, flanked by another FAVIS member during one of their first blitzes of March 2005, is on the phone with the instigator who is giving her directions, stating:
“She fucked them all inside there, that slut fucked them all! Well maybe the only one she didn’t fuck was William because she didn’t like him, Fabio! For she fucked Claudio, she fucked Massimo. You went to bed with that slut! Fabio, Fabio, this should be a shit for you! … That’s a slut, Fabio!”
After clarifying to Fabio what her thought is about Patrizia (Patty) Valmaggi, Pasian expresses her free insults directly to her.
“Patty you awful slut, come out! … Patty if you sit on the road there would be some black men to fuck you, Patty!”
Then, again unaware of being filmed, always on the phone with another person to whom she speaks as a female, Pasian makes a statement in the middle between the serious and the funny, but a very severe one.
“No, no, no. Listen something. Let’s do so, let’s call Unabomber [*], let’s pay him this time. Let’s have him put a couple of explosives and here you go! Unabomber made many. One more or one less…”
[*] ‘Unabomber’ was a self-assigned pseudonym of a criminal who placed bombs and killed several people between 1994 and 2003.
Threats aiming at intimidating and upsetting, probably with no real intent to follow up, but certainly triggered by rage and hate, as plainly shown in Pasian’s yelled words while she is not in the camcorder’s scope:
“Go and work on the streets of Milan, you slut! I’ll destroy you, Patty, I’ll destroy you!!!”
Then also the threat arrives, to start a media campaign to undermine Valmaggi’s reputation.
“I’ll call all the national networks and TVs, all. I’ll talk to all the newspaper reporters of Italy, I’ll disgrace her. I won’t even let her breathe. Fabio, do you remember when you sang with Sonia Vallesi’s [**] song? ‘Turn the ball, turn the ball’,..”
[**] Vallesi is an Italian singer who was quite famous in that period.
To be noticed that Pasian didn’t know Fabio Alessandrini and his past, but she mentioned the song he sang with Sonia Ghinelli, vice-president of FAVIS; which (if ever needed) provides even more confirmation of who the director was of Pasian’s theatrical plays.
Two days later, on 10 March 2005, Pasian goes back on the “disgracing” topic:
“By the way, you know, I have already disgraced her all over Italy. More than that! You’ll see how it goes on then.”
And again the day after, 11 March, Pasian continues with threats to “raise havoc”.
“You better give me Fabio back, otherwise we’ll go on and raise havoc Patty!”
Day by day the siege continues, so on 12 March 2005, Pasian continues in a mocking way with her threats agreed upon with FAVIS chairpersons.
“Fabio. I’ll destroy her! I’ll destroy her! I’ll destroy her!”
A tight series of wrongdoings continues almost on a daily basis for hours and hours. On 16 March Pasian’s jeering and threats go on against them, in the meanwhile she also got equipped with a ladder to record with a videocamera.
“If you touch my ladder again, I’ll break your ass!”
Pleas to authorities totally unavailing, on 18 March the insults and nastiness of Daniela Pasian continue along with threats of future trouble.
“She is a liar, Fabio! That’s what she is! Fabio, Patty only has a cunt power, Fabio! Not even that! Patty, coward, coward and liar. Guess how you’ll appear when everyone will know about you!
That same day 18 March, after the insults and threats to instigate “hordes” of media against Valmaggi and her alleged “cult”, Pasian starts to put up the bugaboo of prison.
“You’ll see, you’ll see, Fabio. We’ll go to find her sometimes when she’ll be in… No, we’ll see what fun she gets inside. Who will wash her hair, who will cook for her, who will clean her pussy…”
Passing from the screams and threats of “disgrace” and “imprisonment”, to factual acts, Pasian’s colleague violently and insistently hits the entrance gate, while Pasian from behind the fence instigates her to more violence.
“Go, Laura, go! Tear it all down, Laura! Go, go!
Then turning to a inhabitant of the house, named Pina, again rattles off heavy insults on Valmaggi.
“Pina, she’s a slut!!! Come down bad coward, coward. Shit yourself, you slut! … You’re lying, you’re deceiving, you’re cursing, not me when I call you slut. For you’re a slut.”
Then, when Pasian finally realizes she is being recorded from a hidden videocamera, she (who recorded almost every day) bursts out into other derogatory and offensive words.
“You bastard, you bastard, you bastard. They were recording but who cares, you little shit. You’re… you’re the worst beast on earth.”
But when the “instigator”, informed of the video recordings of the “enemy”, talking to her on the phone, suggests to Pasian being more careful, she bursts out:
“I don’t care about the marshal’s wife. Well I got it, I got it… I don’t care a shit!!! Patty you’re awful! Patty you liar, you liar!”
Angrier and angrier for having been recorded by a hidden videocamera:
“Well what do you know! With a videocamera from a little hole that shit was recording me. So okay, who cares. She’s doing that just for herself. You bad shit of a shit. Go back to Milan, go back to Milan working on the streets. I’ll find the clients for you!
Angry again, definitely less pleasant, while she tries to avoid the video recordings.
“You shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!”
Then after overtaking the surprise and shock, she resumes with renewed strength her litany of vulgar insults and threats.
“Shit yourself, shit yourself! You’re now disgraced all over Italy. You’ll have to finish the rest of your days alone in darkness. Do they work? Uuuh, with the powers of cunt she has, they do work indeed! Patty, the only power you have is the cunt power! Patty, Patty. You could put a sign in the middle of your legs. Patty, Patty, the property you’re up to is a prison. Got it, Patty? A prison is waiting for you, Patty. Seven or eight years you won’t be missing, no way!”
But the video recordings of the “besieged” created some worry, so Daniela Pasian (who probably doesn’t know that audio is being recorded as well) gets counsel from her FAVIS instigators, from which a short argument comes up.
“But it was for you, your son, not for the slut!”
The stormy day of 19 March 2005 finishes with Pasian beating the fence with scorn and then, with her colleague from FAVIS, rummaging in the mail box, committing an additional penal illegality.
Weeks go by, blitzes of FAVIS emissaries continue. On 26 March 2005, Pasian attempts a phone approach changing her tactics and passing to a religious subject, degrading the Catholic Church at the same time.
“I’m not talking about the catholic religion, for that’s a false doctrine, too. I’m talking to you about the celestial father, Fabio! The Father, the Father who created us and who loves us. And he doesn’t need religions. He doesn’t need us to learn books on books, to read a faith or other.”
The inhabitants of the house made their best not to be dragged into fights and clashes. But after weeks of abuses and offenses, they filed their first complaint against Daniela Pasian to have her account for her own actions in front of a judge. A hollow hope, because once again justice failed and after three years of delusions, the complaint was dismissed in 2008. Here is how the newspaper Tribuna di Treviso reported this piece of news.
“31 October 2008
“Subpoenaed by the ‘pranotherapeutist’ – Pasian case dismissed
“Case dismissed for Daniela Pasian who was subpoenaed three years ago by Patrizia Valmaggi (…)
“… Pasian, from Motta di Livenza, Treviso, regional president of FAVIS …
“In March 2005 Daniela Pasian tried to enter the house of Via Gherle (…) in an attempt to make a video on the activities that were occurring in there. (…) Valmaggi brought a suit against both women for threats, insults and trespass in domicile. Charges for which the judge Valeria Castagna deemed unnecessary to proceed, so dismissing the complaint.”
With no much scruple, Pasian explained to the magistrate that the tear-jerkers you saw in the above videos were “visits” done in order to “make a video”.
This trick was possible because, as it can be seen from the following article, FAVIS found a crooked journalist who made a cover for Pasian.
“18 July 2005
“Motta di Livenza (Treviso). For one month and a half she stationed at the house that hosts the community of Patrizia Valmaggi. Daniela Pasian, a workman of Motta with a record of being a member of a non-religious cult, last February offered her collaboration to the journalist Fabio Venditti for a TV reportage in the attempt to communicate with the young man from Rimini who joined the ‘family’ dwelling the house of Via Gerle in Oderzo, Treviso.
“… I offered my assistance to him …
“… I always communicated by shouting or through a mobile phone.”
In actual fact, as we will soon see below, Pasian staged her mean show upon request of Fabio Alessandrini’s parents and Sonia Ghinelli, that is to say, upon request of the FAVIS chairpersons. But the magistrate, much probably influenced by the journalistic reports spread by FAVIS, accepted the explanations of Pasian and the witnesses of the reporter Fabio Venditti (already known in the news reports for his anti-cult activism, too).
Perked up by the dismissal of the first complaint, Pasian continued her persecutory campaign versus Fabio Alessandrini and the Valmaggi family.
But the mechanism jammed when after a second complaint, after three years of unstopping harassment, Pasian got a conviction decree, then a second magistrate convicted her definitively for her acts. And as it can be read in the following excerpt from the decision, Pasian herself confirmed in front of that magistrate having been “sent from Fabio’s parents”.
“Versus: Pasian Daniela, DOB 03.29.1968, Motta di Livenza
“… in actual fact, Alessandrini’s parents themselves would have requested Pasian to attempt their son to go back to them,”
The news were retaken by the local press that, with even more precision confirms that the persecutory campaign was orchestrated by “organizations with headquarters in Rimini”.
“3 October 2009
“The decision whereby Daniela Pasian of FAVIS, from Motta di Livenza, was convicted yesterday, sets the end of the endless charges that had arrived from ‘organizations’ with headquarters in Rimini.”
That the instigators of Pasian’s initiative were the chairpersons of FAVIS, she herself revealed while talking on the phone with Fabio Alessandrini during one of her blitzes, on 8 March 2005. Here are her exact words:
“Fabio, Fabio, Fabio… Sonia told me to greet you. You know how she loves you, don’t you? Fabio, do you remember when you made a blood bond with her? Fabio, a blood bond lasts forever. Fabio, do you know that Sonia is doing? She put up an organization called ‘FAVIS’, she is fighting against all satanic cults, Fabio, she is helping lots of people! If you really want to help someone as you once used to say, there’s a way to do it. Fabio, you aren’t helping anybody in there. You are just fucking her, here’s the only help you’re giving, Fabio…”
In this final incident, Pasian, who never had contacts with Fabio earlier, shows knowledge of facts coming from his past and his private life that she can only have learned from Sonia Ghinelli and/or his parents, all chairpersons of FAVIS.
Facts, from which another disturbing aspect of Ghinelli comes up. In the interview released in 2011, from minute 07’00 approximately, Fabio states:
“In fact, it was something already part of the interests of this person [Sonia Ghinelli], it was she who got interested in fortune telling by cards, esotericism or anything else similar, astrology, let’s say, she practiced these things”.
A confirmation of this statement comes from Ghinelli herself through Daniela Pasian, when the latter talks about “the blood bond [that] lasts forever”. Sonia Ghinelli, now vice-president of FAVIS which “fights cults and esoteric practices, ”made “blood bonds” with an underage boy.
Anyway it is, after the court decision that recognized the criminal responsibility of Pasian and implicitly the involvement of FAVIS, the tight series of vexations perpetrated by Pasian, ceased.
Probably with disappointment on the part of Fabio Alessandrini and the married couple Scarin-Valmaggi, the conviction did not really set any example, considering that it only ordered the payment of a ludicrous amount for damages in addition to legal expenses.
UA conviction which certainly didn’t make the FAVIS spokespeople give up their hostile intents; they suspended the harassing activities of Pasian but anyway continued their media campaign against the family who hosted their son Fabio.
To no avail, Fabio sent a legal warning letter to FAVIS. Then, after obtaining during the trial the evidence of the involvement of FAVIS and the journalist Venditti (as confessed by Pasian), believing they could get more satisfaction, the married couple Valmaggi-Scarin brought a civil suit for damages against their persecutors.
Although the magistrate frowned upon their conduct, the following was the reaction of FAVIS members to the attempts, of their targeted persons, to gain justice through the means allowed by the law:
Re: Subpoena from Valmaggi Cult
From: Maurizio Alessandrini
To: ARIS Veneto, ARIS Toscana, CeSAP Lorita Tinelli
Dear friends,
after the legal warning letter from my son, yesterday I received a subpoena on the part of the cult leader, where my son lives, Patrizia Teresa Valmaggi and her fiancée (recently become her husband), Massimo Scarin. In addition to me other people were cited, Fabio’s mother, Daniela Pasian, the ex-members Sara Laura and their mom, Mediaset, Fabio Venditti: they want damages up to 1,780,000 Euros!!! For moral and material damages caused by our behaviors that harmed them (they’re referring to the Canale 5 TV shows of 2005 and my last participation on TV and newspapers) that they deem inspired on calumny and derogation which even caused “terrific and unspeakable and inexpressible sufferings and stress illnesses” to the two figures…
I am PRETTY PISSED OFF: we’re preparing our counter moves.
Best greetings to all
QThis e-mail reveals that the other organizations of the Anti-cults Forum were aligned with the actions of FAVIS. The answers Alessandrini received, show that their involvement was not limited to the exchange of information.
Re: Subpoena from Valmaggi Cult
From: CeSAP Lorita Tinelli
To: Maurizio Alessandrini
Cc: ARIS Veneto, ARIS Toscana
Hi Maurizio,
remember the man (former husband) who had even written on the CeSAP forum, do you?
If you want, CeSAP could participate to the trial in your support, the same way as the roll of psychologists and codacons [consumer rights advocate association] did in our civil case.
These people are also starting to shoot big amounts indeed.
Let me know
Re: [blank]
From: ARIS Toscana
To: ARIS Veneto
Cc: Maurizio Alessandrini, CeSAP Lorita Tinelli
To Maurizio, all my support, if you think we can help concerning your lawsuit, let us know.
Bye, Manù
Re: [blank]
From: Maurizio Alessandrini
To: ARIS Toscana, ARIS Veneto
Cc:, CeSAP Lorita Tinelli
Thanks Manù
So far, we are collecting all the documents, witnesses and complaints against Valmaggi. Later on, I could be in need of other organizations to participate to the civil suit for the slander against Favis.
My dearest greetings to you all
Unfortunately for Scarin-Valmaggi, their lawsuit for damages didn’t end the way they hoped and thanks to several technicalities and quibbles, the merry clique of the Anti-cults Forum was not convicted to pay the damages they were requiring as plaintiffs.
Besides what Fabio Alessandrini told, nothing more is known about the family trouble which forced him to abandon his parents who then founded FAVIS. This is not the aspect that should be highlighted here, but rather the fact that this organization implements vexatious and outrageous and defamatory activities that are certainly illegal. This is a truth proven by the videos published here, as well as the documents and findings from the judiciary proceedings themselves.
Are these the organizations that should be entrusted to let us know what a religion is, or what a cult is, or aren’t they a cultic group in itself? Perhaps this should be discussed by FECRIS, too, in their next conference in Sofia, Bulgaria.
15 May 2016